Friday, October 23, 2015

A healers path...

i'm in the same boat as you my friend... 

It's a challenge when you are surrounded by sooooo many people, spewing out their negativity.  the complaints, the "woe is me"  that person sucks, this person sucks.... on and on and on.  
then there are those whom you give counsel to in conversation and for every new path you suggest, it gets shot down.  You are given every excuse on the planet they can find as to why they CAN"T - or it's ignored completely!

I too know that there is a purpose to my being here - at this place with these people at this time.  I'm on the verge of feeling that it's almost time for me to vacate.  I'm sure part of the hold to stay here is the financial aspect - waiting to see when that something better comes along and then i can make my exit - because societal conditioning has taught us that we can't go out on that tightrope and walk that path of uncertainty without a safety net, right?  

but hey.  what about a 5 year plan?  or less than that if feasible.  work at cutting the expenses.  save more.  put more into your investment portfolio.  get a smaller house.  end consumerism. work on the need to have all these materialistic things.  keep the vacations cuz that's just so good for you, but think about all the shit you have that, you really don't need. you have all you need.  then after a nice nest egg has been created.  quit.  find you passion, your bliss.  maybe you already have that dream within, stirring around your being.  start sowing those seeds now so that when the time comes you can jump right on that dream boat!  

you mentioned wanting to win the lottery so you can quit your job and live comfortably for the rest of your days.  i know you also desire doing a lot of good when that jackpot is in your hot little hands.  I've had similar desires.  sure - win the lottery.  My dream that is forming is to have a healing clinic/farm.  get a huge chunk of land to grow food for free to those that want it.  have a facility with all natural holistic healers working in every aspect of a natural, holistic approach to healing that which ails us all. all encompassing.  
it's quite a vision.  I'm excited to manifest it.  and it will manifest itself.  of that i am sure.  i'm a healer.  it's what i do, it's my calling.  
some days it's sooooo frustrating though when those you feel are guided toward you for healing are closed off, or misconstrue what your presence in their life means.  makes me want to bitch slap them sometimes ...  

in the end,  you can quit your job.  today.  right now. you can.  you're choosing not to at this time - and that's OK.  your path will change.  things will move in a different direction and you'll be open to allow and receive whatever the universe gives you.  and it's all good. 

i went to see paul McCartney the other night.  GREAT show !  3 hours long with no intermission! anyway, it was 1am when i was driving home  (ugh! i'm usually in bed by like 9pm most nights! lol...) so i'm on the highway, and i'm thinking about... stuff. and i know that deer typically are active at night, i'm mindful of this realization.  they are doing construction on the highwawy (yay...) and so lanes are constantly being changed - closed, opened whatever.  i didn't know they had closed that shit down to 2 lanes, one to get on 23N, and one to continue 96W.  i'm slowing down and low and behold - a deer comes running across the fucking road and stops.  It's cement barrier to the left of me, orange barrels to the right, and deer in front of me.  How i was able to brake in time to not hit any of those things is beyond me.  (thank god there was no other traffic around).  as i'm slowly passing the deer and continuing on my journey home i'm thinking about that whole thing, and laughing!  I said thanks to the universe for the manifestation, for the experience, for not killing injuring anybody/anything, and just laughed about it.  i was thankful.  and quite pleased to see shit manifesting so quickly now !  that shit still kinda blows my mind a little.  but i love it.  it fucking rocks.  

so, in closing todays sermon, be thankful.  for this email, for the smile someone just exchanged with you.  for the green lights when driving.  for the car that gets you where you gotta go.  for the job. for the roof over your head, the people in your life that love you.  be mindful of the negative for that shit manifests too, yo...  

always in love & light... 


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