Tuesday, August 06, 2013


While chatting on the phone with a friend today i was asked why i didn't blog.  Why were my words of insight and wisdom and "suggested advice" not out there in the land of the blog for all to read,....

I answered that i don't take the time to do so.   I answered that it is a dream of mine, THE dream, to be free to write everyday... to garden, to do photography, do heal others (with said wisdom) and be so at one with myself that by doing those things, i WILL not only heal the world, i heal myself as well...

and there it is.  that one little word that provokes the fear.  that one little word that brings about the laundry list of reason why we don't or CAN'T do that which we love to do... that which make our soul sing...

     I have to work so i can make that green paper.  so i can have a roof over my head.  the car, the food, the electricity...
     I have to make time for family...
     There's the BF who requires my time and energy as well
     I am not a good enough writer to do this thing professionally
     my grammar is substandard, my spelling... not enough eloquent words in my vocabulary
     my severe lack in self love &/or worth as being not good enough 

those are just a few of my excuses and I'm clinging to them.  

then I'm doing my daily routine of reading online.  It's an online article about Organic foods; What are they?   i come across this line:
     "In addition, the animals are given more space to move around and access to the outdoors, both of which help to keep the animals healthy. The more crowded the conditions, the more likely an animal is to get sick."  
    (  Source: HelpGuide.org   Article source: undergroundhealth  )

And then a thought comes to mind about kids in school.  You hear about or may have kids in school - and they get sick all the time.  It goes around the classroom from child to child.
Some schools even have to shut down because so become sick that it needs to "clean" the school of all the sickness in order for everyone to return...
Expand on that.
What about the building you may work in with perhaps hundreds of people.  One person gets sick, and then the person in the cubicle next to you get sick, and so on and so on...

Truly, isn't this same kind of thing?  the more crowded the conditions, the more likely they are to get sick.
to me, it's the same damn concept.    regardless if it's people, or the animals.

It is my feeling, in order for us to BE a healthier society we kinda gotta spread out more, man.  Get outside more.  open more windows!  let the fresh air & natural light in!

When i moved from a cubicle to an office (almost) 3 years ago, i stopped turning the artificial lights on above me, and open the blinds to the 4 windows behind me. Once in a while i turn on the artificial florescent light  in order to be able to perform the work i am to do, most days it's natural light flowing in - and i love it.

I could go on forever about a multitude of thoughts running through my brain.  I've scattered enough for today.   I've never really blogged, so it's new.  It's a work in progress.  I don't have a clue how to even tag or label ...yet!  hah!

Today, I broke through the veil of fear, a little...
Today, I AM good enough.  regardless...
Today, I think i will get outside and get more space...

Much gratitude and thanks to the article on organic food that whispered to my little baby soul "go and write".


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