Monday, July 06, 2015

A new definition of Trigger happy...

those we are in relationship with 

(be it all kinds, friends, family work mates, acquaintances,significant others) 
bring up discords in us i believe for the soulful purpose of healing and transmuting.   
that which you are experiencing... 
whatever it may be, brings forth an emotion.  
whether it be good - happy, joy, love, elation, bliss peace content comfort  
or perhaps not so good, sad anger ill anxiety fear jealous, disappointment, rage
the discords the negative no feeling so good ones - those are the ones i'm talking about at this moment - they are being brought forth for healing.  

for me?  abandonment.  practically from the moment of conception i was abandoned.  and that cycle continued on and on and on for my whole life. 
that one?  it's huge.  because like a security blanket, it's been with me all the live long day for many many decade (almost a half century)!  
hard to let that one go, 'eh?  
see, but NOW... i have awareness.  something - a toll gifted to me, that i hadn't ever had before.  so there it is, this wonderful gift that has given me vision - a way to SEE that i've never had before. 
i am grateful for this new energy.  it has allowed me the ability to finally transmute that once negative into a positive.  
all others will come and go in your life - friends family, animals relationships, jobs, houses   EVERYTHING goes.  
but not you - this soul of yours , the energy within, the love  the spirit
that shit is staying with you forever.  the long haul thru it all. 
all the live long day, darlin'. 
those triggers come up honey.  its up to you to choose to deal with them,
or not...